We have an assortment of different hog hunting ARs. We have some .223 and some .308, but our primary calibers are 6.8spc and 7.62×39. We chose these, as they are light to carry but have more knock down power than .223 for those big boars.
Our guns are mostly custom rifles that are pieced together. Some of our accessories are made by Timber Creek. Scopes are Pulsar, Infiray, and AGM.
Guns are zero’d by our guides at 75 yards. With it being a digital screen, there is no issue with switching between shooters like a daytime scope.
A wild hog’s gestation period is 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days. They can come into heat every 20-30 days, however, this doesn’t mean that they breed multiple times per year. They spend a portion of time raising piglets, and from our cameras, we have noticed a distinct breeding season. Our hogs breed around November and drop pigs in February or March. In East Texas, they travel in average sized groups of 5-10 and up to 20-30. We call this a “sounder” of hogs.
We have a lot of hogs, but they are tricky to find. It isn’t like T.V. We have to work hard baiting and scouting to find them and get them in the open. Texas has the largest hog population in the US with an estimated 3 million pigs. We put out over 150 pounds of bait per hunt just to get them where we want them.
Wild hog meat is totally safe to eat. Boars over 150 pounds are not ideal. Small and medium sized pigs are just fine to eat. We enjoy pork tacos, breakfast sausage, and pepper and cheese hog wraps.
We can skin and quarter on site. If you are wanting meat processed and shipped, ask Jason for pricing. We offer breakfast sausage and basic cuts.
Yes! Just kidding, they will run if they smell us. However, if we were to corner one or wound it, they can be very dangerous. Sows are also known to protect their piglets. Our guides are skilled and trained to deal with wild hogs. Book your East Texas hog hunt with confidence in our guides for success and safety.
Hogs don’t see well but can catch our silhouettes in the moonlight. Smell is their best sense. They will also hear any noise we make. Be sure to wear quiet shoes and clothing for your hog hunt.
We hunt more than 15 different properties ranging from just a few acres to over two thousand acres. Some of this is lease land, and some of it is land where the owners just want hogs removed.